
Top 3 Scheduling Tools to Help Manage Your Projects

WorkGuru | Top 3 Scheduling Tools to Help Manage Your Projects

Managing your team, capacity and upcoming projects is a key part of job management. WorkGuru has you covered with three scheduling tools to make your life easier.


Project scheduling

Get a sense of what’s coming up and what will be on your plate. The project scheduling tools show you the start date and due date of every project and the tasks that need to be completed. It means that you can have peace of mind that your projects are tracking well, can prioritise projects that are due and give customers an accurate estimate of when you can fit them in.

The project scheduling page displays the project schedule information on a calendar view. Learn more about Project scheduling on our support site.

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Staff scheduling

Scheduling tools can help you and your team know what to expect and manage the daily workload. Your team members can come in and check what tasks and projects are on their plate today and for the week and prioritise their day. 

The staff schedule will display the project/production job tasks that have been assigned to staff members, grouped by that staff member. If the task isn't scheduled, it will show the entire project/production job schedule.


Capacity Planning

Underpinning your project schedule, you can quickly check the total number of hours required to complete the project/production job tasks scheduled on a particular day.

The scheduling tools work by averaging out the time on your projects across the number of days you have to complete it so you can make sure you have enough hours across your team to get your work done. 

The tools help you stay in control of your schedules by given you great visibility. The easy click and drag tools help reorganise tasks and work your schedule around your team members and capacity. 


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