
Completing Forms is a Breeze

Whether you're completing a QA checklist, filling out a delivery docket, or getting a client to sign off on timesheets, WorkGuru's forms are simple and powerful.
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Form Completions on Tablet

If only we had more forms!

Said no one, ever!

How Form Completion Works 

When a user goes to fill a form, WorkGuru asks a simple set of questions (configured by you), and populate the answers into a professional PDF document with a timestamp, and the person who completed it. 

We attach that straight to the project for audit trails and future reference.

You can collect text, dates, pictures, and signatures from your phone, or tablet.

You can even get clients to sign off on timesheets!
WorkGuru | Forms
WorkGuru | Forms

Custom PDF Presentation

WorkGuru forms are made up of a set of questions, and a snazzy Word Doc that creates the finished PDF. That means that you can customise the output of your form to look professional, and styled to your branding

Email to Clients at Invoice

Because we attach the completed Form directly to the Project, you can include it as an attachment when you invoice the client straight out of WorkGuru. 

WorkGuru | Forms