
Alfresco Shade


Alfresco Shade's adoption of WorkGuru significantly enhanced its project and workflow management. This case study delves into their transition from WorkflowMax by Xero to WorkGuru, illustrating the profound impact the right software can have on maintaining competitiveness and ensuring high-quality service delivery.

About Alfresco Shade

Founded in 2000 by Tom Westcott, Alfresco Shade has become synonymous with excellence in Sydney's hospitality shading industry. With a dedication to delivering superior shade systems, they have secured an 80% market share in the dining structure sector, transforming outdoor areas into stylish, enduring havens for various commercial clients.
Alfresco Shade

The Challenge For Alfresco Shade

Alfresco Shade was grappling with various operational issues due to the limitations of its previous job management software, WorkflowMax by Xero. The lack of real-time data access and inefficient project tracking were major roadblocks, hampering effective management and compromising their commitment to quality service. The software's restricted capabilities made monitoring project progress and costs daunting, often leading to budget overruns and resource misallocation. Moreover, the manual processes for tracking and updating project details were time-consuming, diverting focus from critical tasks and further straining operational efficiency.

Eliminating operational bottlenecks and improving overall efficiency motivated the search for a new system. The ideal solution had to offer real-time insights, simplify project tracking, and seamlessly integrate with the company's existing processes to support its growth trajectory and maintain high service delivery standards.
"Compared to WorkflowMax, WorkGuru's software is logical and easy to use. WorkGuru has an asset database, sends revision updates, and has direct timekeeping. The dashboard presentation is much easier and cleaner to use, with the ability to customise widgets".

- Tom Westcott, Owner

Key Benefits

User-friendly Platform
Accounting Integration
Stock Control


Alfresco Shade
After an extensive search for a superior job management tool, Alfresco Shade selected WorkGuru for its exceptional functionality, affordability, and user-friendliness. WorkGuru's unique features directly tackled the needs that WorkflowMax failed to meet. The platform facilitated sophisticated stock control, ensuring materials were available when needed, thereby reducing delays. It also offered real-time timekeeping, enabling precise tracking of labour hours to keep projects on schedule and budget—seamless accounting integration allowed error-free financial tracking and more precise financial insights. However, the real game-changer was the user-friendly interface, which allowed for quick adoption across the company, significantly impacting daily operations and paving the way for a more efficient future.

Tom Westcott noted, "WorkGuru's features were what we needed — the system was not just a tool but a game changer for our operations."
"Michael, the Co-Founder of WorkGuru, is an absolute expert who provided clear and concise answers, accelerating the implementation of WorkGuru in our business. The development felt tailored to our specific needs, and the migration process from WorkflowMax to WorkGuru was smooth. He demonstrated the software's features on a live screen. The depth and breadth of Michael's knowledge from WorkGuru, who was our transition coordinator, is incredible."
Tom Westcott
Alfresco Shade


“The decision to implement WorkGuru was one of our best. The tool met and exceeded expectations by improving project transparency, resource allocation, and overall operational agility.”

 - Tom Westcott, Alfresco Shade
WorkGuru transformed Alfresco Shade's operations, making real-time project monitoring a standout feature. Project managers received instant updates, reducing delivery times and delays and delighting clients. Implementing WorkGuru enabled more precise resource allocation, reducing waste and increasing operational efficiency and profitability. Integrating Alfresco Shade's existing accounting systems was a game changer on the financial front. It sped up invoicing and improved budget tracking, providing precise financial insights, enhanced cash flow management, and facilitated more informed financial decisions.

The implementation of WorkGuru not only led to operational and financial improvements but also enhanced client engagement and satisfaction. The system's consistency and reliability enabled the team to meet deadlines and keep clients informed throughout their projects. This transparency has strengthened client relationships, resulting in more repeat business and referrals. Alfresco Shade's team members have experienced significant benefits after switching to WorkGuru. The user-friendly platform interface and streamlined tools have made daily tasks more manageable for everyone. This has boosted team morale and productivity, allowing staff to focus on delivering exceptional service.


Alfresco Shade strategically implemented WorkGuru, which helped them work better and become an industry leader in hospitality shading. They mixed traditional expertise with advanced technology to keep ahead of the game, delivering exceptional quality and service that meets clients' changing needs. Alfresco Shade says WorkGuru gave them the tools to handle current demands and grow their business sustainably.

Ready to take your business to the next level? WorkGuru is the perfect tool for you! You can try it for free or schedule a demo with our experts to learn how our job management software can boost efficiency, optimise business operations, and drive success. With WorkGuru, you can go beyond industry standards and set new benchmarks. So what are you waiting for? Sign up for your free trial now!

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