
Top 4 project management features for remote teams

WorkGuru | Top 4 project management features for remote teams

When you manage a team that’s on the move or works across a number of locations, then finding project management tools can be a challenge.

But, there are a few super effective tools and features that can help remote teams get much more from project tracking.


When you and your team work on the move, being able to access records wherever they are is crucial. Your project management records and features should be available in cloud-based records so that your team can access up-to-date, accurate data while on the go.

Equally importantly, your team should have the tools to update projects while they work so you’re not waiting until they are back in the office to get your info updated. 

Mobile friendly

It’s not always convenient to whip out the laptop and hook up the hotspot just to check how a project is going or see what needs to be done when on-site with a client. 

The project management software should be mobile-friendly or tablet friendly to make it easy for your team to check their project notes conveniently. It saves admin time and helps them to streamline their work.

Time/task tracking

It can be hard to understand what your team are doing, what costs are incurred and how projects are progressing when your team are on the move. 

When your team can report on the time spent on tasks, you’re able to better understand your business costs and pass on the expense to the client more effectively.

For example, if you are able to get your team to clock their travel time to a project site, you can accurately bill the client for that time. 

Stock reports for a specific location

When working across multiple locations, or stocking up vehicles for the road, it can be crucial to be able to track what stock you have and where. It helps you keep a steady supply available. 

The right project management tools will allow you to not only report what stock you have and what you’ve used - it will allow you to assign it to a particular location. 

Looking for project management for remote teams? 

WorkGuru can help you manage your teams in the workshop or on the go. Read how Border Fabrication uses WorkGuru on-the-go, or book a free walkthrough and 14-day trial.