
robust lead management

Keep track of your sales, forecasts, and activities all in one place.
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WorkGuru | Lead Management

Lead Management that converts enquiries into sales

Never lose track of an enquiry again, with WorkGuru's lead management module. Stay on top of every opportunity as it moves through your pipeline from an enquiry, to a sale.
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WorkGuru's Lead Management Dashboard

Every Business Needs More Sales. With WorkGuru, you can have them.

Everything about your lead in one place

It can be tough trying to keep all of your deal information together.

Whether it's quotes, follow up activities that need to happen, communication that you've had with the client, or any internal notes, you can track it all in WorkGuru.
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Lead Management Overview
Lead Email

Email your conversations straight to the lead

Never lose track of your conversations with a prospect ever again.

Simply email (or CC) your correspondence to your dedicated email address, and we'll automatically attach it to the right lead! This helps you keep tabs on more details regarding a lead at all times.
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Set activity reminders for your sales people

WorkGuru lets you set reminders for your sales people to follow up their leads, and send them STRAIGHT to their dashboard.

Never miss a deal because your team didn't follow it up, and always get a clear picture of what needs to happen and when! It all comes down to staying in the loop and making the right move at the right time.
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Lead Activities Dashboard

businesses who use workguru love it.

WorkGuru saves us over and over again on stock and staff time, plus we get so much visibility over what's happening and that helps us save too...We have one computer on the floor that manages all the staff's time and all of the projects - it couldn't be more simple!
We love the ability to customise many of the features to suit our business and it has definitely had a positive impact on our understanding of what jobs make us money and what jobs don’t.
A lot of apps do one thing really well but could never do everything we needed. WorkGuru is just different...Things are just where you'd expect them to be, the whole platform is super intuitive. We've always felt that WorkGuru has our back. I'd happily give them a 10/10 for customer service.

Get started with your FREE 14-day trial today.

Explore WorkGuru's lead management feature with a free trial tailored to your industry and specific needs, and 
discover why it's the perfect Job Management Software solution for you!
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WorkGuru | Lead Management
Great job management system. Ticks all the boxes for a Job Management Solution, which allows it to support job management across a wide range of industries. The WG team are pro-active and great to deal with - happy to assist with any questions, and very generous with their time and knowledge. Love working with the WG team.
Cassandra Scott