
3 Ways to Build & Keep a Top Quality Manufacturing Team

WorkGuru | 3 Ways to Build & Keep a Top Quality Manufacturing Team

Your employees are an essential part of your business. Their level of expertise and how well they get along can hugely change your team’s overall performance and job satisfaction.

With 25% of Australian manufacturing employees reporting high satisfaction levels, how can you stand out to attract and retain good employees beyond the salary? 

When you find the right team members, there are a few things that you can do to help build loyalty and job satisfaction and improve your retention rate. 


Acknowledgement and appreciation

Everybody likes recognition for a job well done. While some people prefer one on one conversations, others a bonus and some a round of applause, it’s always nice to give your team the credit they deserve when they are performing well. 

It’s important to try to be impartial and fair when giving kudos to your team, or it could have the opposite effect. Picking key, data-driven metrics and communicating these with your team is key.

For example, you might want to set a number of won deals each month for your sales team, or a project margin goal for your operational staff. Solutions like WorkGuru can help you track these stats quickly and easily, making understanding and acknowledging the work of your team that much easier. 


Training opportunities

Providing opportunities for growth and development mean better job security and stability for employees. Helping your team to stay up to date with the latest training and crucial technology can help them feel valued and important.

It can also benefit your business to have staff that are able to work more effectively. Whether it’s teaching them to use technology to their benefit, cross-skilling roles or supporting your staff to seek other training opportunities you and your staff can both benefit from.


Ask for feedback

If you are looking for ways to improve your business and connect with your team, then asking for genuine feedback can take you a long way. Depending on your workplace the best approach could be anything from an open-door policy, to a dedicated time at the weekly meeting or a whiteboard in the lunchroom. 

Your team are on the tools everyday and often have a lot of ideas to solve problems (that you might not even know they are having). 

Staff often value having their problems and solutions heard out and it can go a long way to building a strong team. 


Where can WorkGuru help build a strong team?

WorkGuru gives your business the tools needed to do the job more effectively. It can also give you the tools to measure work and provide opportunities for accountability and acknowledgement. From the lead tracker to track your sales team performance, to margin metrics to show the profitability of projects, there’s a lot you can measure. 

You can measure the time your team has taken on projects and the materials used. 

Reach out to the team today to see what else WorkGuru can do.

WorkGuru | 3 Ways to Build & Keep a Top Quality Manufacturing Team